Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Color Theory

Color Theory

  1. Define hue: Is the correct word to use to refer to just the pure spectrum colors
  2. Define value: Is the relative of darkness or lightness of a oven color or hue.
    1. ​Example: Choose your favorite color. Demonstrate VALUE using 7+ photos (light to dark of your chosen hue). Canvas specs above
  3. Define saturation: Is the state or process that occurs when no more of something can be absorbed, combined with, or added.
  4. How many colors are available on our computers? At least 256 shades and at a total of at least 16,777,216 color variations.
  5. Define secondary color: Is a color made by mixing two or more primary colors in a given color space.
  6. Define tertiary color: Is a cool made by mixing either one primary color with one secondary color, or secondary colors, in given color space such as RGB and CMYK.
  7. Define complementary colors: Are pairs of colors which, when combined, cancel each other out.
    1. ​Find, copy and insert a graphical example of a  Traditional Color Wheel - include a caption. 
      Traditional Color Wheel 

    2. Find an image that visually explains the differences in color gamut's. In the caption, define a Gamut and which one is better.
      Color Gamuts-the complete range or scope of something
  8. What are the primary colors in Photoshop? Photoshop bases its color modes on the color mode;s that are useful for images used in publishing.
  9. What are the secondary colors in Photoshop? The three secondary colors of orange, violet, and green re created by mixing equal parts of the primary colors, they fall in between.
  10. Define subtractive color model: Explains the mixing of a limited set of dyes, links, paint pigments or natural colorants to create a wider range of colors.
  11. Define additive color model: Is color created by mixing a sort of colors light of two or more different colors.
  12. Is RGB additive or subtractive? RGB is an additive color model
  13. What is the CMYK color model used for? Used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself.
  14. Define analogous colors: Are any three colors which are side by side on a 12 part color wheel, such as yellow-green, yellow, and yellow-orange.
  15. Define tint: A shade or variety of color.
  16. Define shade: Comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight.
  17. Define neutral: Having no strongly marked or positive characteristics or features.
  18. Define monochromatic: Containing or using only one color.
    1. ​Example: Create a canvas demonstrating a grayscale color scheme from White to Black using 7+ photos. Canvas specs above
  19. What can be said in general about warm colors? Warm colors are made with orange, red and yellow and combination of all of them.
  20. What can be said in general about cool colors? That phrase used to describe any color that is cm or any in nature.
  21. Which color is associated with stability? Blue is the color of stability and steadfastness and often represents tranquility.
  22. Which color symbolizes royalty? Purple is the color of royalty it symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition.
  23. Which is the color of cleanliness? White is the color of cleanliness, purity, and safety.
  24. Which color symbolism freshness? Green is the color of freshness and it symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility
  25. Which colors are associated with joy? (Light)Red is the color of joy,sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love.
  26. Which color symbolizes passion and danger? Red is the color of blood and fire, and associated with meaning of passion, lust, danger, and malice.
    1. ​Example: Create a visual example for ONE of questions 22-27 using 4 photos. Canvas specs above.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Animated GIF

Animated GIF
Please check out the three animated gifs i've created. should the images not animate, click the refreshed button.

Anime club COHI-
This gave me the inspiration of me being a anime person i thought of making this into a gif.

Basket Ball COHI-
This gave me the inspiration of Kuroko no Basketball  because i love that anime and Kuroko Tetsuya as my favorite character.

Animated Rocket ENDING-
At first i thought of many things to do for this but i picked Tamaki's manly face and my favorite myth animal a dragon and thats what gave this gif.

Friday, December 12, 2014

My Future Vision

My future hopes, dreams, and desires Designed By Yesenia T. ©2014

  My future plans for my career, happiness, and life-long learning is possibly a good career that my talent is for is that i really loved my class of graphic designs it gave my talent to go to the next level with my ideas and creative-activity. I think being a graphic designer will be one of my choices and the other possibility will be a artist like to paint or do it on shirts make buttons accessories for the things that i draw will be for something, or to be a Anime/Manga artist as my career.My happiness will always be for my mom my dad pretty much my whole family giving me the push and pressure to think more about my future and plans that i am going to do for my life and career but i love the most would be my family because they are the most promising moments for my happiness and theirs even though they would get mad at me for what i did to help but it was out of caring and for me to learn my mistakes and i thanked them for what they did to reach my plans and happiness. My plans for a life-long learning would be to study harder and to learn more in what i did to achieve my goals and my happiness, and my career and to be much more smarter in the future like my sister though she is really mean to me but she is my "sister" but i don't hate her, she has helped me in anything that i needed help on.My career will be Anime Artist, a Graphics Designer.And i would chose both if i could handle that much work and effort.
    When I'm Old and Grey, My Hope is that I have already achieved my dreams of my life and have really good success in school and in my career and that i leave everything that i have taught to my kids, If i have any, i would be in peace with my parents, friends, and family altogether in heaven and to be happily together forever and that i will have no regrets that i have not done a great achievement in my life time i thank my family and my friends for what they did for me to achieve my goals and plans and they will be in peace as well.Though for the future of my life and perhaps my future kids and pets i would help and work hard so that i can achieve my goals and dreams for a better and happy family for my future and many others.I wish for he better or worse for my life and career and to wish a good education and understanding in many classes, but when I'm old and can't be able to move on i will be able to see my future kids in the future and that they will live  and be educated like i was and have a warming family and friends, and neighbors to be together and have grandchildren. i wish for the better of me and my future dreams and life from my parents and there support in what they did to help and motivate me to get where i am in the future.I APPRECIATE ANYTHING I HAVE DONE TO GET THIS FAR!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The World Would Be a Better Place If...

PSTA. The world would be a better place if.... Competition

 Well, I thought that what would be better for  better place so i bought reuse reduce recycle and started drawing a girls in the middle and the animals free from trash at the corners and the girl that has a necklace of the earth with recycle symbols and her shirt a earth with recycled symbols and it says "Recycle Mother Earth"

 At first, I did the drawing of the girl in Illustrator then I did the rest of the pictures in Photoshop like the animals around the corners and having them there with brighten light to show that it is happy and no trash here.

Also, Explain how you integrated the tutorial into your masterpiece

For example, The tutorial that inspired me to apply this creation that i made is for mother earth to be clean, that's why these two links have inspired me to make my creation something for the animals free habitat with clean place also for us humans that why i decided to draw the girl in illustrator and the animals habitat in the photoshop and there clean clean place in this creation of mine i wanted it to show that the animals are happy in there clean habitat and the girl can be found here, and here for the animals free habitat clean from trash.
"Recycle Mother Earth", designed by Yesenia T.  ©2014